In 2010
1 March
Kyooseob Ha (Seoul National University College of Medicine) was elected as the vice-chairman of the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD).
14 June
Twenty-one Korean researchers from the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD) gathered together and agreed to create a Korean branch named “ISBD Korea”.
14 June
Yeon Ho Joo (University of Ulsan College of Medicine) was elected as the first chairman of ISBD Korea. Hyun-Sang Jo (Yonsei University College of Medicine) and Yong-Min Ahn (Seoul National University School of Medicine) were appointed as the vice-chairmen, and Kyooseob Ha (Seoul National University College of Medicine) was elected as the advisor.
21 June
The first newsletter was published.
1 July
Established and announced the articles of association of the Korean branch of the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD Korea).
16 Aug
Korean branch was approved by the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD).
10-11 September
The 1st East Asia Bipolar Forum (EABF) was held in Seoul.
In 2011
9-11 June
The 9th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder was held in Pittsburgh, USA.
19 November
ISBD Korea 2011 Annual Conference was held at Seoul National University Hospital Cancer Research Center Auditorium (Chairman: Yeon Ho Joo, Chairman of the Academic Committee : Hyun-Sang Cho).
In 2012
13-17 March
The 5th Biannual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held in Istanbul, Turkey. ISBD-K Satellite Symposium was held during the conference.
7-8 September
The 2nd East Asian Bipolar Forum (EABF) was held in Fukuoka, Japan.
6 October
The ISBD Korea 2012 Annual Conference was held in the conference room on the 8th floor of Korea University Anam Hospital (Chairman: Yeon Ho Joo, Chairman of the Academic Committee: Hyun-Sang Cho).
In 2013
13-16 June
The 10th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder was held in Miami, Florida, USA, with our members participating.
5 October
ISBD Korea 2013 Annual Conference was held at Samsung Medical Center Cancer Hospital B2 Middle Lecture Hall (Chairman: Yeon Ho Joo, Chairman of the Academic Committee: Hyun-Sang Cho).
Hyun-Sang Cho (Yonsei University College of Medicine) was elected as the 2nd Chairman of ISBD Korea.
In 2014
18-21 March
The 16th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was successfully held at COEX, Seoul, Korea.
21 March
At the 16th ISBD Annual Conference, “Public Lecture about Bipolar Disorder” was held for people with bipolar disorder and their families.
8 November
ISBD Korea 2014 Annual Conference was held in the underground auditorium of the Shinchon Severance Hospital Cancer Hospital (Chairman Hyun-Sang Cho, Chairman of the Academic Committee Tae Hyon Ha).
In 2015
3-6 June
The 17th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held in Toronto, Canada.
7 November
The ISBD Korea 2015 Annual Conference was held in the Circular Classroom on the 1st floor of the Moonsook Medical Center, College of Medicine, Korea University (Chairman Hyun-Sang Cho, Chairman of the Academic Committee Tae Hyon Ha).
In 2016
13-16 July
The 18th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
19-20 August
The 3rd East Asian Bipolar Forum x(EABF) was held in Hebei, China. Chairman, Hyun-Sang Cho and Heon-Jeong Lee attended and delivered a presentation.
26 November
ISBD Korea 2016 Annual Conference was held at the Eoullim Hall on the B1 floor of the National Mental Health Center (Chairman Hyun-Sang Cho, Chairman of the Academic Committee Tae Hyon Ha).
Yong-Min Ahn (Seoul National University College of Medicine) was elected as the 3rd Chairman of ISBD Korea.
In 2017
4-7 May
The 19th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held in Washington, DC, USA.
25 November
ISBD Korea 2017 Annual Conference was held at the Eoullim Hall on the B1 floor of the National Mental Health Center (Chairman Yong-Min Ahn, Chairman of Academic Committee Heon-Jeong Lee).
In 2018
7-10 March
The 20th Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders is held in Mexico City, Mexico.
In this conference, Kyooseob Ha (Seoul National University College of Medicine) received the Mogens Schou Award, and Chul‐Hyun Cho (Korea University, currently Chungnam National University School of Medicine) received the Samuel Gershon Award.
24 November
ISBD Korea 2018 Annual Conference was held at Yang Yun-seon Hall, Seoul National University College of Medicine Convergence Hall (Chairman Yong-Min Ahn, Chairman of Academic Committee Heon-Jeong Lee).
In 2019
20-23 March
The 21st Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held in Sydney, Australia.
30 May
Invited Roger S. McIntyre, a professor of the University of Toronto Medical School to have a special lecture at the National Center for Mental Health under the title of ‘Pharmacological Treatment for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: an update'.
30 November
ISBD Korea 2019 Annual Conference was held in the Seungsan Lecture Room on the 1st basement floor of Seoul National University Dental Hospital (Chairman Yong-Min Ahn, Chairman of Academic Committee Heon-Jeong Lee).
In 2020
18-21 June
The 22nd Annual Conference of The International Society for Bipolar Disorders was held as a virtual conference in Chicago, USA.
28 November
ISBD Korea 2020 Annual Conference was held as a video conference on ZOOM (Chairman Yong-Min Ahn, Chairman of Academic Committee Heon-Jeong Lee).
Heon-Jeong Lee (Korea University College of Medicine) was elected as the 4th chairman of ISBD Korea.
In 2021
8 March
ISBD Korea's homepage for the professionals was open.
12 April
ISBD Korea's homepage for the public was open.
10 May
ISBD Korea's English homepage was open.
13 September
ISBD Korea's The integrated homepage of ISBD Korea was open.